Senin, 26 Oktober 2015

Translation Studies (S2)

Midterm Test

Dear students,

It's time for you to do your midterm test of Translation Studies. Below is the test item. Follow the instructions and do your work based on the points stated.

Write a paper of 5-10 pages on A4 size, 12 New Times Roman, 1.5 spacing and support your work with experts’ opinions from books and articles. Submit it in the form of file and send it to next week.

1.   Topic: (Choose one of methods or techniques of translation you are concerned with best)
2.   Introduction
3.   Discussion (Support with citations and data)
4.   Conclusion and Suggestion
5.   References (Refer to the APA style of writing references and citations)

Do the best and good luck.


Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.

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