Senin, 26 Oktober 2015

Educational Management & Supervision (S2)

Midterm Test
Dear students,

This week is the midterm test time. Please do the test based on the following instructions.

Write a paper of 5-10 pages (School Profile) on A4 size, 12 New Times Roman, 1.5 spacing and support your work with experts’ opinions from books and articles. Submit and send it in the form of file to next week.

1.   Topic: School Model
2.   Content of Paper:
a.     Title: Name of the school you design
b.     Vision and mission
c.      School programs and activities
d.     Structure of school organization
e.     Teachers and administration staffs (Educational background and expertize)
f.       Curriculum
g.      School fees and salaries
h.     School map and location (even site plan)
i.       School facilities
j.       Etc. (Additional necessities)
3.   Conclusion/Suggestion/ References (If available)

Do the best and good luck.


Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.

Translation Studies (S2)

Midterm Test

Dear students,

It's time for you to do your midterm test of Translation Studies. Below is the test item. Follow the instructions and do your work based on the points stated.

Write a paper of 5-10 pages on A4 size, 12 New Times Roman, 1.5 spacing and support your work with experts’ opinions from books and articles. Submit it in the form of file and send it to next week.

1.   Topic: (Choose one of methods or techniques of translation you are concerned with best)
2.   Introduction
3.   Discussion (Support with citations and data)
4.   Conclusion and Suggestion
5.   References (Refer to the APA style of writing references and citations)

Do the best and good luck.


Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.

Rabu, 07 Oktober 2015

Academic Writing

Making an Essay Outline
Dear Students, 

Please make an essay outline based on the topic you have. Please see the following diagram.
For further information you can also click the following link to download the files entitled "Making an Essay Outline" and "Outline Practice". Do your work best. Good luck.

Dr. Rudi Hartono

Minggu, 04 Oktober 2015

Eng-Indo Translation (Practice 1)

Narrative Text Translation

Dear Students,

Please visit the edmodo link Register as the student with the group code ziwwwe, then do Translation Practice 1 entitled "The King's Idea" as the assignment of Narrative Text Translation provided in the attachment of your Edmodo page. Translate it based on the instruction and turn in before the due date. Thanks.

Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.

Senin, 20 April 2015

Translation Theories and Workshop Classes

Midterm Test

Dear students,

Today is the midterm test time. I attached the questions at EDMODO. Please register as STUDENTS before you do the test and sign up by using the group codes: fqtier (Translation Theories Class 203-204), qrdxnx (Translation Theories Class 303-304), w3gtiq (Translation Workshop Class 403-404), and us7rk5 (Translation Workshop Class 405-406). Then answer the questions by typing them in the TURN IN space. After you finish your test, then send it. Good luck.

Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.

Sabtu, 11 April 2015

English for Various Instructions

Observation Reports

Dear students of EFVI,

Here is the format of observation result report for your presentation. Visit the following link: and download the observation result format. Use it as the template or frame. Attach other files of teacher's documents and videos/photos about teaching and learning activities. Good luck and see you then in the presentation sessions. Thanks.

Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.

Rabu, 08 April 2015

Translation Workshop Class (Indo-Eng)

Text of Education
Dear students,

For today's exercise is translating the text of education. See the material (Exercise 5) in the following link: Translate the text well into Bahasa. Use dictionaries if necessary. Post your translation result on your blog. Thanks.

Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.

Rabu, 01 April 2015

Translation Workshop Class (Indo-Eng)

Text of Linguistics

Dear students,

Today's activity is translating the file (Exercise 4) attached on Translate the text by using Revise your translation draft, then publish your work on your blog. Good luck. Thanks.

Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.

Senin, 30 Maret 2015

Translation Theories Class (3)

Transference and Transliteration
Dear students,

Today's discussion is about Transference and Transliteration. For further reading, please see the lesson materials attached in the following site: The transference session is explained on Translation Procedure file, while Transliteration is on Powerpoint files. Look for some examples of Transference and Transliteration cases in your daily life, then post your findings on your blog. Thanks.

Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.

Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Translation Theories Class (2)

Translation Equivalence

Dear students,

To enrich our knowledge about Translation Theories, please visit the following class site that provides you some articles related to today's discussion Translation Equivalence or Types of Equivalence in Translation. Look for some data of Translation Equivalence in the chapter 4 and 5 of "Model Penerjemahan Novel dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia" textbook. Post your findings on your blog. Thanks.

Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.

Senin, 16 Maret 2015

Translation Theories Class (1)

The Translation Unit

Dear Students,

Today's discussion topic is The Translation Unit. For further reading, please open the following link and download the file of Translation Unit (TU). Study this material and find out some examples of the Translation Unit available in my book "Model Penerjemahan Novel dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia" at Chapter 4. Classify your findings based on the Translation Unit. List 10 data of each unit in two columns (The Source Text-English and The Target Text-Indonesian). Post your work on your blog. Thanks.

Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.